Chyluria: Are we doing enough for filaria elimination?

Authors : Milind Ubale, Debapriya Das Choudhury, Vaibhav Bari, Vaibhavi Nanoty

DOI : 10.18231/j.sajcrr.2021.006

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 30-34

Filaria is known to be one of the neglected tropical disease. There are undiagnosed cases all across country due to asymptomatic nature, prolong incubation period and late manifestation of disease, ubiquitous mosquitoes and many are complacent when it comes to prevention; in part because of apathy towards the disease and pronged time it takes to manifest itself. Moreover, it is difficult to convince people to take tablet in asymptomatic stage. In this study we have reported, A 35-year-old male patient with symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection with hematuria followed by Chyluria. Mmicrofilaria was diagnosed in laboratory investigations; treated with anti-filarial drugs. However, the chyluria was not completely cleared till the last follow up indicating to lymphovenous fistula. To make India filaria free, we do not have alternative apart from shifting Mass Drug administration program from 2 drugs (albendazole + DEC) to 3 drug (Ivermectin, DEC and albendazole) MDA strategy.

Keywords: Filaria, Chyluria

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