To determine posteroanterior cephalometric norms for North Bangalore adults

Authors : Priyanka Garg, Vinay P. Reddy, Balamohan Shetty, B. S. Chandrashekhar, A.V. Arun

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2021.002

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 6-14

Aims and Objectives: (1) To establish the cephalometric norms from PA cephalograms for north Bangalore adults, (2) To identify the sex difference between north Bangalore men and women, (3) Compare the norms with norms of different population adults and identify correlation between transverse linear measurements.

Materials and Methods: PA cephalograms of 150 patients (75 men and 75 women) were   taken with the distance between x- ray tube and ear post axis fixed at 5 feet (1.524m), with the film near the nose using Sirona Dental System ORTHOPHOS XG 5DS cephalometric unit with exposure time of 9.1 seconds, 80 kvp voltage, current of 14 mA and 127.4 mAs. Ear rods were   inserted into external auditory canals and Frankfort plane was parallel to the floor. Cephalometric radiographs were traced manually on 0.003 inches matte acetate sheets. Nineteen transverse linear measurements, twenty- one landmarks and five reference planes were used on each radiograph.  Statistical analyses (independent samples t- tests and   Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient) were performed with   software (IBM SPSS version 21.0).

Result: Of the 19 craniofacial transverse measurements, 15 showed significant sexual dimorphism. No statistically significant sex differences were found in the NC-CN (nasal width), B6-6B (mandibular intermolar width), B3-3B (mandibular intercanine width), and the upper midline deviation. Comparison between the north Bangalore men and women indicated larger measurements for men in all investigated linear transverse measurements except   JL-FFP distance, A6-B6 difference, 6A-6B difference.

Conclusion: (1) Comparisons between north Bangalore men and women indicated higher measurements for men in all linear transverse measurements except the JL-FFP distance, A6-B6 difference, 6A-6B difference. (2) All transverse linear variables were shorter in north Bangalore adults  as compared to other population adults.

Keywords: Posteroanterior, Cephalograms, Norms

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