Morphometric analysis of infraorbital foramen in human dry skull of south Indian population and its clinical implications

Authors : Akshaya S , KR Dakshayani

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2022.013

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 54-61

Background: Infraorbital foramen, an important anatomical landmark in anaesthetic and surgical interventions of the maxillary region, transmits the infra orbital vessels and nerve. Infraorbital nerve block is commonly used in regional anaesthesia for the midface and paranasal surgeries. The purpose of our study to obtain detailed knowledge of the anatomical location and variations of IOF which is imminent for successful regional anaesthesia and endoscopic surgeries of the maxillary region.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 50 Human skull bones of unknown gender from the Department of Anatomy, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore. Both side of skulls were visually observed for shape, direction of the infraorbital foramen and presence of accessory infraorbital foramina. 1. Sagittal Distance between the infraorbital margin to upper margin of infraorbital foramen were measured. 2. Transverse diameter from lateral margin of pyriform aperture to medial margin of IOF were measured. 3. Oblique distance from anterior nasal spine to inferior margin of IOF, were measured. 4. Vertical and transverse diameter of the IOF were measured.
Results:  50 skulls (100 sides – both right and left) were studied.
Most commonly observed shape of IOF is semilunar 36% on right side, 40% on left side, transversely oval 20% on right side, 28% on left side, vertically oval 18% on right side, 12% on left side, circular 18% on right side, 8% on left side, triangular 8% on right side 12% on left side. Direction of IOF is 88% medially downwards, 12% downwards.
The mean distance between IOM and IOF is 6.58±0.28 mm on the right side, 6.78 +0.233 mm on the left side. The mean distance between pyriform aperture to of IOF 16.88+3.7mm on the right side 16.46 +2.7 on the left side. The mean distance between ANS to inferior margin IOF on the 34.77+0.55 mm on right side 34.22+0.3 mm on the left side.
Mean vertical diameter of IOF 3.76 mm on right side & 3.94 mm on left side. Mean transverse diameter of IOF 4.18 mm on right side & 4.32+15 mm on left side.
Accessory IOF were present in 6% of skulls bilaterally.
Conclusion: Our study results will be of immense help to the surgeons and anaesthetists, handling this region for operative procedures.

Keywords: Anterior nasal spine (ANS), Infraorbital foramen (IOF), Infraorbital margin (IOM), Infraorbital nerve (ION), Pyriform aperture (PA).

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