Exposure to medical education and its role in Covid19 pandemic associated anxiety among medical students in South Kerala

Authors : Anaswara Karthika P

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2022.002

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 9-14

Background: Medical students have varying levels of understanding about Covid19 based on their level of exposure to medical education. This influences their mental health status. There is no clear cut idea about whether Covid19 related anxiety among medical students increases or decreases with increase in scientific knowledge.
Objectives: This study aims to find out the proportion of anxiety related to COVID19 among medical students in South Kerala and assess the role of medical education on anxiety.
Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study was conducted among 500 medical students in South Kerala. Anxiety was assessed using Generalized Anxiety Disorder7 (GAD-7) scores. Univariate and Bivariate analysis were performed. P value < 0> Results: The median GAD-7 score obtained was three (IQR 5.75). GAD-7 score >10 were reported among 9.8% participants. Anxiety level was found to be significantly associated with the year of admission (p=0.021). Among those who were tested Covid19 positive, 11.9 % hadGAD7 score >10 and among those who faced Covid related stigma, 28.6% had GAD-7 score >10. Association between anxiety and stigma related to Covid19 was found to be statistically significant (p=0.017).
Conclusion: Proportion of students with moderately severe or severe anxiety was more among preclinical students and among students who faced Covid19 related stigma. Better knowledge about preventive measures, symptoms, treatment, complications and prognosis of Covid19 can lessen pandemic induced anxiety. Government initiated programs are required to counter the rising levels of stigmatizing attitudes associated with Covid19.

Keywords: Covid19, Anxiety, Stigma, Medical students, South Kerala

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