Clinical and ultrasound biomicroscopic (UBM) correlation in eyes with closed globe injury

Authors : Sunil Ganekal, Sunil Ganekal, Syril Dorairaj, Syril Dorairaj, Varun Ganekal, Varun Ganekal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2022.011

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 55-60

Purpose: To correlate UBM and clinical findings in patients with closed globe injury.
Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study of 75 patients, ? 12 years of age presenting to ophthalmic outpatient department within one week of sustaining closed globe injury. Patients with seriously ill polytrauma and open globe injuries were excluded from the study. Comprehensive ophthalmic examination including Visual acuity assessment, slit lamp examination, fundus examination and IOP measurement. Gonioscopy and UBM examination was done in all patients on presentation except for patients with hyphema (UBM and gonioscopy done at 4 weeks to prevent rebleed).
Results: Mean age of the patients was 31.4 ±8 years, most common external findings included lid ecchymosis (47%), subconjunctival hemorrhage (93%). The common anterior segment finding included traumatic iritis (87%), traumatic hyphema (61%) and traumatic cataract in 27% of patients. Clinical evidence of zonular dialysis was seen in 13% of patients. UBM was able to detect zonular defects in 62% patients (P=0.008). Most of the patients (57%) had zonular dialysis less than 3 clock hours on UBM examination. UBM confirmed the presence of other clinical findings like iridodialysis, cyclodialysis.
Conclusion: UBM is a safe and effective adjunctive tool for clinical assessment and management of ocular trauma. It can diagnose subtle zonular dialysis and other anterior segment changes following blunt trauma. UBM should be an integral part of ophthalmic examination especially in patients requiring surgical intervention after closed globe injury.

Keywords: Closed globe injury, UBM, Anterior segment assessment.

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