Circadian rhythm in epilepsy: A brief note on clock gene expression

Authors : Sujithra Srinivas, Sujithra Srinivas

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2022.003

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 8-11

Every cell in the human body is said to produce a cell specific rhythmicity, these rhythms are governed by the brains internal core clock. These rhythms are essential for maintaining day to day function of our body. These rhythms play a greater role in therapeutics as the drug perfusion in our body is time dependent. In neurology, a 24 hour rhythmic activity of epileptic seizure is a topic of greater interest. The rhythmic activity in epilepsy and seizure occurrence is related to the circadian variation in excitatory and inhibitory balance in neurons. There are two core circadian genes BMAL1 and CLOCK, that code for transcription factors, tend to influence the excitability and threshold of the seizure. Although there is uncertainties about the circadian rhythmicity that includes rhythm related factors such as time of the day seizure responses, frequency of occurrences of the seizures. In other cases the time of occurrences of the seizure is consequential to the severity of the seizures. However an improved seizure prediction can open new possibilities of research by understanding the efficacy of the treatment and the drugs used to control seizure. Better clarity on the severity and rhythmicity of the seizure can bring about newer and novel therapeutic options which can be beneficial in treatment of epilepsy. Lastly future studies in these area can clarify the seizure pathways involved in generating the rhythmic patterns in disease manifestation.

Keywords: Circadian Rhythm, Core Clock Gene, Sleep, Epilepsy, Epileptic Syndromes

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