Rapid canine retraction in knife edge alveolar ridge by distraction of periodontal ligament in combination with alveolar ridge expansion- A case report

Authors : B.K. Rajkumar, S. Nagalakshmi, K. Preethi, A. Sasirekha, S. Vinoth

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2022.006

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 29-33

This article describes a case report of a patient with knife edge alveolar ridge where orthodontic tooth movement was previously impossible into which rapid canine retraction for 8mm was done by use of a new technique of combining ridge split expansion with piezocision and thereby producing a regional acceleratory phenomenon and rapid canine retraction by custom made tooth borne distraction device.

Keywords: Rapid canine retraction; Piezocision, Periodontal ligament distraction, Regional acceleratory phenomenon, Knife­edge alveolar ridge

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