Authors : Clara S. Kim, Josephine Franc, Ching-Hsiu K. Chiu, Sam Chui, Tobias K. Boehm
DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2022.055
Volume : 8
Issue : 4
Year : 2022
Page No : 288-293
This study was conducted to determine if a hand instrumentation exercise on painted typodont teeth is a useful guided self-assessment tool for predoctoral students compared to artificial calculus on typodont teeth. Four (4) artificial calculus typodont teeth and four (4) painted typodont teeth were scaled by 69 fourth year dental students in fall of 2015 in their dental licensure board preparation course. Selected typodont teeth were free of calculus and instead painted. Students were asked to participate voluntarily in the survey for their perception of the new exercise and self-assessment of their hand instrumentation skill. The same set of survey questions were given after scaling artificial calculus and after painted teeth on mounted dental hygiene models on Simulation Manikins. Forty-four (44) students participated in the survey. The survey revealed that students felt significantly more familiar with overall hand instrumentation techniques after painted tooth exercise than calculus typodont teeth exercise. However, their responses showed statistically less confidence in their skill level in overlapping strokes, adequate force and correct finger grasp than traditional calculus typodont teeth. Students found the painted teeth exercise helpful in advancing their practical skills and spatial and anatomical arrangement (p < 0>
Keywords: Clinical Education, Dental Hygiene Education/Curriculum, Instrumentation, Periodontology.