Financial independence and maternal mental health- A right balance

Authors : Priyanka Sharma, Kirti Shekhawat, Preksha Menaria

DOI : 10.18231/j.sajhp.2022.002

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 4-7

The role and position of women in today’s time is changing rapidly. The idea of making career and becoming mother both goes hand in hand as at one side the biological clock is ticking and at the same time growth in career is also to be taken care. Because of financial independence women are capable of making their decisions more effectively and this leads to better Quality of life, Hardiness and Social Support. According to the survey done by Catalyst, Women in the Workforce – India (October 28, 2020), India’s population is rising with 800 million people by 2050. And with this increasing rate economy is also growing with high GDP and working age population. In the total working population men counts to 76% of the labour force whereas women involvement is just 20.3% of the women aged 15 and above.The study involves the analysis of relevant literature and available data to discuss the role of financial independence and Quality of life, Hardiness and Social Support. It focuses on the mentioned variables with regard to maternal mental health on working women.

Keywords: Quality of Life, Social Support, Hardiness, Maternal Mental Health, Working Women

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