Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in mandible — A rare case report

Authors : Malvika Panchal Sharma, Dhirendra Srivastava, Binita Srivastava

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdp.2022.009

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 46-50

Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumor (AOT) is an uncommon histologic type of Odontogenic tumor which is characterized by formation of duct-like structures by epithelial component of lesion. It is a non-invasive type of lesion with slow but progressive growth. A 15-year old patient reported to facio-maxillary and dental health center with chief complain of crowding in lower anterior segment. Radiographic examination revealed a radiolucent lesion in relation to lower left unerupted canine. The boundary of lesion was well defined. Enucleation of lesion was done along with removal of canine and defect was filled with bone graft material, R.T.R (Septodont) which consists of Beta-Tricalcium phosphate. Excisional biopsy was performed for excised tissue. Histopathology was suggestive of AOT. The effective treatment of AOT is conservative surgical enucleation guided by tissue regeneration with membrane technique.

Keywords: Adenoameloblastoma, Ameloblastic Adenomatoid tumor, Adamantinoma, Epithelioma Adamantinum or Teratomatous odontoma, Jaw swelling

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