A rare case report of anterior vaginal wall cyst

Authors : J Jayasree, S S R Mudanur, Eshwer Chand A

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2022.058

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 305-307

Background: Vaginal wall mucinous cyst is very rare benign condition, and it is non-invasive in nature, it can be mistaken as urethral diverticulum, inclusion cyst, Gartner cyst. Cyst may cause symptoms if it increase in size then cyst excision is the treatment of choice.
Case Report: 35 yrs old woman presented with chief complaints of mass per vaginum since 6yrs, white discharge per vaginum since 6yrs, difficulty in micturation since 6 months, dysparunia since 3 months, on examination diagnosis is second degree UV prolapsed with cervicitis with cystocele and rectocele with anterior vaginal wall cyst, vaginal hysterectomy with cystocele and rectocele repair with excision of anterior vaginal wall cyst specimen sent for HPR and shows uterus with cervicitis with ulceration, secretory endometrium and benign mucinous cyst of ant vaginal wall.
Conclusion: Vaginal wall mucinous cyst is rare condition, cyst is completely excised but long term surveillance to be done for recurrence.

Keywords: Benign, Excision, Mucinous cyst, Vagina.

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