Preventive prosthodontics – An overview

Authors : Prakash Nidawani, Vishnupriya BS, Girish Galagali, Satyanarayana Naik, Harsha R H

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2022.014

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 69-75

Preventive dental care is an important part of comprehensive dental care, preventive dental procedures are employed in the practice of dentistry and community dental health programs, that prevents the occurrence of oral diseases and oral abnormalities. It combines regular dental check-ups along with developing good oral hygiene habits. The effective prosthetic prophylaxis includes not only prevention of causes for alveolar bone loss leading to tooth loss but also preventing the defects of oral tissues. As a clinician our aim should not be just treating the area of interest, instead it should include the evaluation of mouth as a whole. This article brings out various concepts regarding preventive aspects of prosthetic dentistry such as prevention at every stage with special considerations in preventing alveolar bone loss.

Keywords: Prevention, Preservation, Prosthodontics

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