Evaluation of degree of complexity, treatment need and outcome in a cohort- A retrospective study

Authors : Jagriti , Ajit Kumar Jaiswal, Girish Chaudhary, Jasmeet Kaur Ryait, Abhimanyu Kochhar, Priya Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2022.008

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 38-42

A well-organized and efficient orthodontic service for any given population requires evaluation of therapeutic orthodontic needs, their difficulty and the outcomes after the treatment.The goal of this study is to determine the need for orthodontic therapy, the complexity of the malocclusion, and the degree of improvement once orthodontic treatment is completed.A randomly selected pre and post treatment study models of 50 patients who completed orthodontic treatment in the department of orthodontics in the year 2018-2020 were involved in this study.92% of samples had orthodontic treatment need. Out of total, the subjects belonged to easy, moderate and difficult categories were 22%, 30% and 48% respectively. After treatment, 54% were greatly improved, 24% were substantially improved, and 22% were moderately improved. According to ICON, a substantial number of participants had difficult treatment complexity, yet all of them had improved outcomes.

Keywords: ICON, Treatment Need, Complexity, Outcome

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