Analysis and outcomes of diffuse axonal injury in tertiary care centre

Authors : Shikhil Uppal, Visvanathan K

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2022.028

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 138-144

Aims & Objective: To report the clinical features, radiological features and outcomes of patients with diffuse axonal injury in a tertiary care centre.
Materials and Methods: Fifty five patients with history of trauma with low GCS and radiological evidence of DAI were studied from August 2016 to December 2018. It consisted 46 (84%) males and 9 (16%) females. Majority of the patients were in age group of 16-25. Most common modality of injury was RTA. Seven (12.7%) patients had grade 1 DAI, 36 (65.5%) patients had grade 2 DAI and 12 (21.8%) patients had grade 3 DAI. Follow up was done after 3 months of injury. Patients outcome was analysed using the Glasgow Outcome Scale.
Result: Patients with GCS 3-8 had GOS 1-3. Patients with GCS of 9-12 had GOS of 3-4 and Patients with GCS of 13-15 had GOS of 4-5. Most patients in our study had grade 2 DAI and GOS 4.
Discussion: Diffuse axonal injury is devastating types of traumatic brain injury. The acceleration-deceleration mechanism is responsible for DAI. It is most commonly analyzed based on the outcomes of GOS Scale.
Conclusion: Most of the patients in this study had grade 2 DAI. Good recovery was seen in grade 1 and 2 DAI and high mortality in grade 3 DAI.

Keywords : DAI, Trauma

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