Possible ameliorative effect of Vitamin C on cerebellar toxicity induced by gibberellic acid during late pregnancy and early postnatal periods in albino rats

Authors : Mona H Mohammed Ali, Wael Amin Nasr El-Din, Shimaa Anter Fareed


Volume : 22

Issue : 4

Year : 2018

Page No : 345-354

Gibberellic acid (GA3) is a plant growth regulator, widely used in agriculture in Egypt. The goal of this study was to illustrate the histopathological effects of (GA3) on the growing cerebellar cortex and the possible ameliorative effect of vitamin C. Fifty female Sprague-Dawly rats were classified into the following groups: Group I (control group); Group II (GA3-treated group), which received intra-gastric daily dose of GA3 55 mg/kg from the 14th day of pregnancy until the day 14 after delivery; Group III (GA3 & Vitamin C treated group), which received intra-gastric daily dose GA3, 55 mg/kg simultaneously with 100 mg of Vitamin C /kg from the 14th day of pregnancy till day 14 after delivery; and Group IV (Vitamin C-treated group), which received intra-gastric daily dose 100 mg of Vitamin C / kg from the 14th day of pregnancy till day 14 after delivery. One month after delivery, cerebella of pups from all groups were extracted and examined. The cerebellar cortex of GA3-treated group revealed degenerated and displaced Purkinje and granular nerve cells with prominent spongiosis in the molecular layer. Vitamin C administration resulted in marked regression of the previously mentioned neurotoxic effects. In conclusion: results of the current study revealed that maternal exposure to GA3 during pregnancy and lactation caused delayed development of the offsprings' cerebellar cortex. The co-administration of Vitamin C greatly reduced these neuro-toxic effects of GA3 exposure.