Review Gluteus Medius Muscle Function Al Limitation in Chronic Low Back Pain

Authors : Muheebur Rehman, Khalid Aslam, Suad Islam, Huma Zia, Kashif Ullah, Faiz ur Rehman

DOI : 10.54536/ajahs.v2i3.1951

Volume : 2

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 36-38

Low Back pain proper diagnosis & approach that includes all muscular modifications responsible for low back pain is one of the main issues in the clinical examination of patients with low back pain symptoms. The gluteal muscles, which are attached to the lumbar pelvic area, play a significant function in transmitting forces from upper-body movements to the limbs of the lower body. Therefore, while evaluating low back pain, doctors and researchers are paying more and more attention to the gluteal muscles. This study emphasizes a randomized controlled comparative effectiveness trial that find a significant correlation between the prevalence of low back pain and gluteal muscle dysfunction. A decrease in the gluteus medius muscles’ strength during abduction is one of the functional changes in the gluteal muscles, along with neuromuscular changes and fatigability in the gluteus maximus muscles.

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