International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Authors : Usha Kiran.P, Komala.P

DOI : 10.52403/ijhsr

Volume : 4

Issue : 5

Year : 2014

Page No : 66-70

Aim: The aim of present study was to evaluate the levels of oxidative stress and local inflammatory status in the pleural fluid and blood of patients with pleural effusion of various etiologies. We also examined whether the absolute values of all parameters or the relative ratios between pleural fluids to serum provide the better diagnostic accuracy. Materials and methods: All the parameters are analyzed on Siemens Dimension Expand plus fully automated random access analyzer. MDA is done using TBARS method. Results and discussion: MDA values in pleural fluid showed significant increased levels in exudates compared to corresponding values in transudates. However when values in blood of exudates show no increase compared to control group indicate no systemic involvement only local peroxidation in pleura takes place. Mean cholesterol levels show significant increase in exudates in pleural fluid compared to transudates. But when compared to controls, serum levels of cholesterol in exudates do not show significant increase. We have compared even the pleural fluid/ serum ratios of transudates and exudates for MDA and lipid profile. Conclusion: The present study showed that oxidative stress was more in exudates compared to transudates, probably due to production of reactive oxygen species and it may serve as a marker for differentiation between transudates and exudates

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