Comparative Study of Material Management in Public and Private Building Construction Project Inside Kathmandu Valley

Authors : Gangesh Kumar Joshi

DOI : 10.24321/2456.429x.202202

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 1-11

Material management ensures timely, cost-effective project delivery.Every work required material management. Material managementstalls projects. Comparing public and private material management.The study aimed to improve material management in Kathmandu.Studying 34 projects. NRA and DUDBC performed 18. Primary datacame from questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data acquired.RAI ranked Likert answers (RII). Public and private sectors have similarbuilding material management attitudes, the study showed. Both sectorsagreed on a project timeframe, but are unhappy with their materialmanagement. Late materials slowed their projects. Both industries needa different material schedule and prefer ABC inventory planning andmaterial classification. Both sides sought a source visit. Public-privatesector discrepancies are found. The governmental sector emphasized“The source must be able to offer project-specific materials in theamounts,” whereas the private sector emphasized “The supplier mustalways be honest.” Private sector material management emphasizesplanning. Private builders prioritize quality, while governmental projectsemphasize price. Public projects favor timeliness above quality. Report:Both industries have poor material management. Procurement delays,waste, quality, and specification concerns plague public sector materialmanagement. Private sector concerns with supplier answers, shipping,and delivery. Possible solutions include developing a material scheduleto plan material requirements, validating items and locating suppliers,purchasing essential materials in advance before work begins, classifyingcommodities and managing inventories based on utilization value, andreducing overall material waste. Keywords: Material Management, Private Sector, Public Sector,ABC Method, Procurement, Existing gaps, Possible solution

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