Dental vibrator – Faster, better and painless tooth movement: A review

Authors : Shrikant Shivale*

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2023.030

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 164-167

Today, many people receive orthodontic treatment for better occlusion, improved oral function and harmonized facial appearance. However, two perplexing challenges have not been solved in clinical orthodontics, i.e. long treatment time (on average 2-3 years) and iatrogenic root resorption. Figuring out these challenges will dramatically improve the quality of orthodontic care. The following article deals with the first challenge i.e Long treatment time and the most reliable and effective way to enhance the tooth movement.

Keywords: Dental vibrators, AccleDent, Sure Smile

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