Pre Prosthetic Adjunct Orthodontic Tooth Movement for Prosthetic Replacement Using an Osseointegrated Implant-A Case Report

Authors : Karan Sharma, Dhananjay Sharma, Diksha Sharma, Deepak Rai

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2017.023

Volume : 1

Issue : 4

Year : 2017

Page No : 33-37

With an increasing number of patients demanding quality dental health care, the interdisciplinary interactions between clinicians of different specialties of dentistry has increased considerably. Prosthetic replacement of missing teeth plays a major role in improving the overall quality of life. Comprehensive prosthetic rehabilitation often requires the services of an Orthodontist to move certain teeth before final restorations can be fabricated. Acceptance of adjunct orthodontic tooth movement in the adult population has increased the frequency with which it is being employed for pre prosthetic planning. We present a case report of adjunct orthodontic tooth movement involving intrusion of a supra erupted maxillary molar in a long standing edentulous space in the mandibular arch followed by rehabilitation using an osseointegrated Implant.
Keywords: Adjunct, intrusion, osseointegrated

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