Orthodontic Management of Impacted Mandibular Canine By Using Custom Made Mini Implant Supported Spring

Authors : Shafad M, Reddy G, Somaiah S, Muddaiah S, SiddeGowda R, Susil V

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2018.034

Volume : 2

Issue : 4

Year : 2018

Page No : 9-13

An Impacted tooth can be defined as a tooth which fails to erupt partially or completely to its correct position in the dental arch and its eruption potential has been lost. Incidence of mandibular canine impaction is less compared to maxillary canine impaction . Orthodontic management of impacted canine is a very common procedure and a variety of techniques had been introduced in the field of orthodontics for disimpaction of canine. It is always better to do orthodontic disimpaction without engaging the attachment from impacted canine directly to arch wire to prevent arch wire disintegration and unwanted effects on the adjacent tooth. Through this case report we are introducing a specially designed mini implant supported disimpaction spring to manage mesioimpacted buccally placed mandibular canine. The spring can be made with 0.017*0.025 SS or TMA wire. It delivers a slow continuous force and it can be reactivated in each appointment if necessary. Force delivery has to be maintained throughout
at 100 gm of force. It gives vertical as well as uprighting force on the impacted canine.The action of this spring is completely independent of arch wire. This Spring will take its support from 2 mini implants placed in the mesial and distal interdental area of same side mandibular molar. This spring can also be used in maxillary arch by changing the angulations of the spring depending on the position of impacted canine.
Keywords: orthodontic management, mandibular impacted canine, mini implant supported spring

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