Rapid Canine Retraction – Through Customized Hyrax Screw

Authors : Yukti Raj, Pradeep Tandon, Gyan P Singh, Umesh Pratap Verma

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2019.029

Volume : 3

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 58-60

Rapid canine retraction by means of dentoalveolar distraction serves the purpose to reduce treatment duration without any unfavourable effect on periodontium. A case of 21 yr old female with class I bimaxillary protrusion was planned for 1st premolars extraction. A custom made distractor was fabricated modifying hyrax screw for retraction of maxillary canine. Extraction of 1st premolar was done along with lengthening the apical area of premolar socket modifying it according to the roots of canine. Distal to canine microosteoperforation was done for accelerating the tooth movement. A planned and sequential activation of the appliance led to the bodily retraction of canine in the extraction space within 10 days. Upper Incisors were then retracted through 3 piece intrusion arch. Lower anteriors were retracted en-masse through K-Sir appliance. Total treatment time was
reduced from 20-24 months to 14 months only.
Keywords: Rapid canine retraction; Distractor; custom made distractor; microosteoperforation; Hyrax screw.

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