Reliability and Accuracy of Tweed’s Triangle, Mandibular Length & Corpus Size on Lateral 2D Cephalogram and 3D CBCT Scan

Authors : Renuka A. Patel, Ashish B. Panday, Falguni N. Mehta, Vimal S. Parmar, Vishal D. kathiriya

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2020.027

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 45-52

Objectives- To assess the precision and reliability of Tweed's Triangle and effective mandibular length, corpus size on 2 dimensional conventional lateral cephalogram and 3D CBCT scan.
Methods - 30 male adults are selected for (group A) - manual tracing, (group B) - on screen digitized tracing by software for lateral 2D cephalogram, & (group C)- digital tracing by software for 3D CBCT scan for angular measurements of Tweed's Triangle (FMA, IMPA, FMIA) and linear measurements of effective mandibular length ( Co-Gn ) and corpus size(Go-Gn).
Results- Statistical analysis by ANOVA and post HOC-LSD test reveals significant difference for FMA (p<0> Conclusions -3D CBCT scan for Tweed's triangle, effective mandibular length and corpus size can be more precise and reliable for diagnosis and treatment planning.
Keywords- Lateral cephalogram, Tweed’s triangle, Effective mandibular length, Mandibular corpus size, 3D CBCT scan.

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