Angiomatous meningioma: A rare case report

Authors : Anu Gupta, Palka Gouria, Jyotsna Suri

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.038

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 165-167

Angiomatous meningioma is a rare subtype of meningioma that accounts for 2.1-2.59% of all meningiomas. Microscopically, it shows numerous vascular spaces in addition to the normal meningothelial elements. Here, we are presenting a case of 41 years old female who presented with history of bilateral loss of vision, headache, loss of consciousness, seizures, giddiness and vomiting and was diagnosed as angiomatous meningioma on histopathological examination. Despite the availability of neuroimaging diagnostic modalities, histological examination and immunohistochemistry remain the gold standard for final diagnosis.

Keywords: Angiomatous, Meningioma, Meningothelial, Vascular, Rare

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