Nanotechnology: Emerging Concerns

Authors : Suresh Chari, Madhur Gupta


Volume : 1

Issue : 1

Year : 2011

Page No : 12-17

Nanoparticles are currently the subject of intense pharmacotogic research because of their capacity to carry and deliver drugs to specific targets. The rapid expansion of nanotechnotogy has resulted in a vast array of nanopartictes that vary in size, shape, charge, chemistry, coating and solubility. This intrinsic property raises important questions regarding the potential for nanoparticles to carry toxic chemicals that may be present in the environment. The release of hazardous substances is a matter of concern for technology. In nanomedicine, optimizing the balance between persistence and excretion and preventing the release of toxic degradation products may reduce hazard. Thus, progress of nanotechonolgy should be compared to the toxicology of newly engineered nanoparticles. Key Words : Nanotechnology, hazards