Procalcitonin Levels in Septic Patients with Trauma in Road Accidents in Tertiary Care Hospital.

Authors : Sheel Thorat, Nitin B. Wasnik, Madhur Gupta


Volume : 9

Issue : 4

Year : 2018

Page No : 495-498

Hand-Sewn Cystogastrostomy Usingthe Novel Single-Incision Laparoscopy withFlexible-Tip LaparoscopeRami Lutfi, MD, FACS,1Brahm Jyot, MD,2Michael Rossi, MD,2Erin Jefferson, MS,3and George Salti, MD, FACS4AbstractLaparoscopy performed through a single incision has been increasingly reported as a novel technique im-plemented in a wide variety of surgical procedures. We report what we believe to be the first case of cysto-gastrostomy for treatment of a pancreatic pseudocyst using this technique. Patient developed pancreaticpseudocyst after severe biliary pancreatitis. The cyst was noted to increase in size on follow-up computedtomography scans. In addition, patient developed symptoms requiring intervention