Rare case of Multi-segment facial nerve schwannoma (MFNS) - A case report

Authors : S Venkatesan, S Balaji*

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2023.015

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 76-78

Multi-segment Facial Nerve Schwannoma (MFNS) is a very rare tumor, benign in nature and can arise anywhere along the course of the facial nerve from its origin in the cerebello-pontine angle to its extra cranial ramification in the parotid space of the extra cranial head and neck. It mimic like vestibular schwannoma and other cranial nerve schwannoma. The most common clinical presentation is facial palsy and depending upon the segment of the facial nerve involved. We report a rare case of multi-segment facial nerve schwannoma extending from cerebello-pontine angle to the parotid gland, presented with facial palsy, hearing loss, difficulty in swallowing and difficulty in walking. Radiological investigations was done and confirmed the diagnosis MFNS. Patient underwent near total excision of the tumor by combined approach and patient was improved clinically after the surgery.

Keywords: Multi­segment Facial Nerve Schwannoma (MFNS), Translabyrinthine, Parotid gland, Intratemporal

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