Managing dental fluorosis: A guide to improving appearance of the teeth

Authors : Rangoli Srivastava, Pradeep Tangade, Surbhi Priyadarshi

DOI : 10.18231/j.adr.2023.005

Volume : 13

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 25-29

Too much consumption of fluoride during tooth formation causes the disorder known as dental fluorosis, leading to changes in their appearance and structure. The severity of dental fluorosis is typically classified into different stages based on the visual appearance of the teeth. Mild cases of dental fluorosis may not require any treatment, and the condition may improve over time as the enamel continues to mineralize. In more severe cases, treatment options include teeth whitening, dental bonding, veneers, and crowns. While treatment can improve the appearance of the teeth, it cannot reverse the damage that has already occurred to the enamel surface. Therefore, it is important to take steps to prevent further damage by monitoring fluoride intake and practicing good oral hygiene. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can also help to identify and manage any issues related to dental fluorosis. Overall, dental fluorosis is a cosmetic issue which has got nothing to do with functional changes related to a tooth and appropriate treatment can help to improve the appearance of the affected teeth. In this article we will see various aspects of dealing with dental fluorosis right from its etiology to management.

Keywords: Dental fluorosis, Morphological alterations, Supplements, Water consumption, Teeth whitening

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