Tongue prints- Unique as well as potential forensic tool for biometric authentication

Authors : Tanha Khan, Arpan Manna, Ahmed Mohammed Saaduddin Sapri, Taseer Bashir, Naeem Ahmad

DOI : 10.18231/j.adr.2023.002

Volume : 13

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 10-14

Forensic odontology proves to be an important branch of science when it comes to solve various criminal cases as well as in person identification by providing dental expertise in the court of law so that proper justice can be delivered. Tongue is an important vital organ of human body which is protected from outer environment as it is well encased within the oral cavity. Tongue has very unique features which differs from individual to individual, even in identical twins. For this reason, tongue prints can be used nowadays as a method of biometric authentication in Forensic Odontology. It also aids in identification of person as tongue exhibits sexual dimorphism. As a result of all this, tongue prints has emerged as a promising forensic tool nowadays.

Keywords: Tongue prints, Forensic tool, Sexual dimorphism

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