A study to assess the knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among primigravida postnatal mother at Era Hospital, Lucknow

Authors : Anjaltchi, Renu Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijnmhs.2023.015

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 88-95

Introduction: The Kangaroo Mother Care is Skin-to-Skin contact provided to the baby for maintain the degree of heat and prevent the child from Hypothermia. The students need the awareness about Kangaroo Mother Care. The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge regarding Kangaroo Mother Care among students of B.sc Nursing 3rd year of Royal Institute of Nursing district Gurdaspur.
Research Statement: "A study to assess the knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among primigravidapost-natal mother admitted in Era Hospital Lucknow"
Aim of the Study : assess the knowledge of kangaroo mother care.
Objectives of the Study: :To assess the knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among postnatal mother. To determine association between level of knowledge regarding Kangaroo Mother Care with selected demographic variables.
Need of the Study: Kangaroo Mother Care is associated with reduced incidence of severe illness including pneumonia during infancy
Population: The population for the study is the postnatal mothers admitted in Era’s Hospital Lucknow.
Sample Size: Sample size was 50 postnatal mother come to Era’s Hospital Lucknow.
Results: assessment of knowledge in gangaroo mother care among nursing students were category poor were 2(04%), good knowledge were 8(16%), very good knowledge were 28(56%). Excellent knowledge were 12(24%).
Conclusion: The study finding revealed the majority of primigravida postnatal mother has very good knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care.

Keywords: Assess, Knowledge, Kangaroo Mother, Post natal care

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