Management of horizontal middle root fracture using calcium silicate based sealer and intraradicular fiber splint- Case report

Authors : Tahira Hamid, Azhar Malik, Ajay Kumar, Shamim Anjum, Rachna Dhani, Saima Hamid

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdp.2023.020

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 90-93

Traumatic injuries of teeth are among most serious dental accidents with anterior teeth mostly commonly affected. The knowledge of which can reduce the suffering, cost and time of patient. The prognosis is largely related to the patient’s age, degree of displacement and the location and orientation of the fracture. The more apical the fracture is located, the better the prognosis. In the present case horizontal middle root fracture was managed with the bioceramic sealer and intraradicular stabilization was done via fiber splint. Monitoring of root?fractured teeth over time is essential to determine the healing response and other resorptive changes at fracture line

Keywords: Traumatic injuries, Root fracture, Intraradicular fiber splint, Bioceramic sealer, Healing

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