Hairy nodule: A rare case report

Authors : Ratnakar Shukla, Ratnakar Shukla, Chirag Desai, Chirag Desai, Sharmila Patil, Sharmila Patil

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijced.2022.028

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 132-134

Trichofolliculoma represents an uncommon hamartoma of hair follicle tissue typically occurring on face of adults. Trichofolliculoma represents abortive differentiation of pluripotent skin cells toward hair Follicles. Trichofolliculoma although classified under hair follicle tumors, essentially are benign hamartomas of the hair follicle. They are rare and usually present as solitary lesions on the face often with a tiny tuft of fine white hairs arising from the surface.We present a case of 40 year old female with a small growth on face from last 6 year, it is asymptomatic and non progressive in nature, on local examination the papule was skin colored, firm , non-tender, the systemic examination was noncontributory and radiological examination revealed no bony destruction or formation of sinus tract clinical diagnosis is thought to be benign adnexal lesion, excisional biopsy was done for the lesion, On histopathological examination it was confirmed as trichofolliculoma, so, the final diagnosis of trichofolliculoma was made, and no recurrence was noted during the follow?up of 1 year.

Keywords: Trichofolliculoma, Hamartoma, Pluripotent, Hair follicle tumors Introduction

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