Ileum neuroendocrine tumor: Case report and literature review

Authors : Sunil Vitthalrao Jagtap, Shubham Sunil Jagtap, Pranjal Shah, Devika Borade, Nidhi Goswami

DOI : 10.18231/j.sajcrr.2023.006

Volume : 10

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 27-31

Ileal neuroendocrine tumors are rare primary epithelial neoplasm arising from enterochromaffin cells. A 65-year-old male presented with complaints of recurrent abdominal pain of 1 year duration. The pain was more aggravated in last 7 days associated with vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea. On radioimaging ultrasonography finding impression of small bowel mass lesion suggestive of ileac carcinoid tumor with ischemic bowel disease was given. Computerized tomograph abdomen pelvis showed a well-defined hypodense, round, hetergenous, enhancing mass measuring 2.6x1.6x1.2 cm., showing arterial enhancement in mesentery in close relation to ileum and metastatic lymph node mass- indicating likeness of neuroendocrine tumor. The surgical resection of ileum with mass and enlarged mesenteric nodes were done. On gross examination ileum specimen on cut open showed multiple, irregular mucosal thickenings with foci of ulceration. The submocosa showed single, circumscribed, round tumor measuring 3 x 2.5x1.5 cm. Cut section of tumor was yellowish, tan, well circumscribed and solid. The mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged. The microscopic examination ileum showed a tumor composed of uniform, round cells having to oval nuclei with salt and pepper chromatin. Tumor cells were arranged in trabecular, nests, ribbons and in areas pseudo glandular pattern. Increased mitotic activity was noted (4/10 high power field). Mesenteric lymph nodes were involved by tumor. On histopathology reported as Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NET), G2, intermediate grade of ileum. The immunohistochemical stain were positive for synaptophysin, chromogranin A. The Ki-67 expression was <1>

Keywords: Neuroendocrine tumors, Ileal tumors, Intestinal obstruction

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