Study on sacralization of 5 lumber vertebrae on human cadavers in the region of Telengana

Authors : Shone Vasudeo Durge

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2023.002

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 6-7

Sacrum is made up of fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae, which gives strength to the human body and transmits the weight to pelvic girdle which is made up of three bones ilium, ischium and pubis. Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae are congenital anamolies seen in some individuals in such individuals sacralization of 5 lumber vertebrae is seen and in such individuals low back pain is seen throughout there life.

Keywords: Genes, Low back pain, Lumbar vertebra, Sacralization, Sacrum, Lumbarization

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