Gestational trophoblastic disease-Clinicopathological study at tertiary care hospital SV Jagtap, V Aher, S Gadhiya, SS Jagtap Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research:

Authors : sunil v jagtap , Vidhya Aher, Suchi Gadhiya, and Swati Sunil Jagtap

DOI : 10.7860/JCDR/2017/27232.10458

Volume : 8

Issue : 11

Year : 2017

Page No : EC27

Abstract Introduction Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD) is a term used for a group of pregnancy-related tumours. These consist of various tumours and tumour like lesions characterized by proliferation of trophoblastic tissue. Amongst GTD, hydatidiform moles are the most common form. These lesions sometimes may develop into invasive moles, or, in rare cases, into choriocarcinoma. Aim To study the clinicopathologic characteristics and prevalence of different forms of gestational trophoblastic disease in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods The present study was descriptive, observational, analytical type done in Department of Pathology at tertiary care hospital from May 2012 to April 2016. All cases clinically suspected of GTD were included and confirmation was done by histopathological study on H&E stained slides. The cases of GTD were classified according to WHO classification. Detailed histomorphological features and beta human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) levels were correlated. Results During study period, 18345 deliveries were reported; out of which 77 cases were diagnosed as GTD. Almost 97.40% cases were of hydatidiform moles, 1.30% cases of choriocarcinoma and 1.30% cases of Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumour (PSTT). Among the cases of hydatidiform mole 57.34% were complete mole and 41.33% cases were of partial mole. The common clinical presentation was per vaginal bleeding and amenorrhea. The blood group A was most commonly observed in patient (49.35%). In majority of cases beta hCG levels were between 50,000 to 100000 mIU/ml. The correlation between beta hCG level and GTD were done. Conclusion Pregnant females clinically presenting with abnormal vaginal bleeding must be evaluated for GTD. Histopathological examination is helpful for confirmatory dia

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