Insight review of the first surviving case of Ludwig’s angina caused by Gemella morbillorum

Authors : Huda Ali Sayed, Abhay Chowdhary, Rita Swaminathan, Karnam Ravi Shekhar, Sudha Mishra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmr.2023.009

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 50-54

Our case report is presumably the second reported case of Ludwig’s Angina caused by Gemella morbillorum and the first case reported that survived. We reviewed literature on Gemella morbillorum which is often a misunderstood microorganism but has the potential to cause serious infections and lethal complications in certain cases; its historical identification, characteristic features, advanced studies on its virulence, pathogenicity and other key information for identification. We also briefly reviewed the interesting details of Ludwig’s Angina.

Keywords: Gemella morbillorum, Firmicutes, Ludwig's angina, Submandibular abscess, Streptococcus viridans, Pathobiont.

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