Determining the prevalence of the use of snellen chart to conduct a visual acuity assessment undertaken by primary care practitioners when referring to secondary care ophthalmology services

Authors : Aashna Jain

DOI : 10.18231/j.sajhp.2023.002

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 6-9

This article aims to discuss and audit the prevalence of visual acuity assessments performed by primary care practitioners in patients with acute visual concerns, when referring to secondary care ophthalmology services. This audit was undertaken by collection of information through a proforma (Appendix 2) and referral information was taken from across the North East England region via a referral phone. Results shows that less than 50% of referrals included any form of visual acuity assessment, primarily due to lack of access to Snellen charts.

Keywords: Chart, Ophthalmology, Visual acuity

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