Comparative evaluation of pocket depth measurement by using two different periodontal probes

Authors : Chitrani Rajkhowa*, Nandita Waikhom, S Sivasarankumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2023.005

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 28-31

Background: To assess and compare the accuracy of the second-generation TPS probe with the first-generation manual (Williams) probe for assessing pocket probing depth (PD).
Materials and Methods: In this comparative investigation, 90 subjects were used. We categorized the teeth and groups of teeth. Patients were split into three groups—periodontally healthy, gingivitis-free, and periodontitis—based on pocket depth and gingival index. Two probes were used on Ramfjord teeth to measure the depth of the pockets.
Result: Ramfjord teeth group wise, the manual probe's measured pocket depth was more than that of the TPS probe.
Conclusion: In all groups, mean PD readings were deeper with the manual probe than with the TPS probe, with the periodontitis group showing the greatest difference, followed by gingivitis and the periodontally healthy groups.

Keywords: Probe, Gingival.

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