Perspective study of disorders of thought, language and communication in schizophrenic patients of Maharashtra

Authors : Prakash Ambekar

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2023.004

Volume : 13

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 15-18

Background: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterised by paranoid, hallucination and delirium. The person with such disorder cannot lead a normal life in the society due to his abnormal communication and thought disorder. Hence such disorders are helpful to diagnose the type and severity of disease.
Materials and Methods: Out of 1000 (one thousand) patients 500 were acute schizophrenia and 500 were chronic schizophrenics. Among 1000, 330 were paranoid and 670 were non-paranoid. The disorder of FTD, language, communication disorders in acute, chronic non-paranoid and paranoid schizophrenia were noted.
Results: In the comparison of acute and chronic schizophrenic patients – Negative FTD scores positive negative FTD scores, language disorders score was highly significant (p<0> Conclusion: This study will be helpful to psychiatrist to differentiate acute and chronic schizophrenic patients and treat them efficiently with proper medication so that such patients can lead normal social and family life.
Keywords: FTD, ICD, TLC, paranoid Acute, chronic

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