Vertical tooth preparation technique in aesthetic zone: Report of two patients

Authors : Navdeep Singh, Parag Dua, Thiruvalluvan N, Saurav Kumar, Sonam Yangchen

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2023.008

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 39-43

Introduction: Abutments can be prepared in fixed dental prosthesis using horizontal and vertical preparation techniques.
Materials and Methods: In vertical preparation abutments are prepared without a finish line by introducing a diamond rotary instrument into the sulcus to eliminate the cementoenamel junction and creating a new prosthetic cementoenamel junction. Vertical preparation technique in fixed dental prosthesis allows us to retrieve biologically compromised situations. With vertical preparations and over contoured provisional crowns, one can control zenith positions and thicken gingival biotypes. This in time gives us long lasting, stable tissue aesthetics around definitive restorations.
Conclusion: This article describes 2 patients whose dental abutments were prepared using vertical preparation technique and 12 months follow up for restoration of teeth in aesthetic zone.
Clinical Significance: Vertical preparation technique provides feather edge preparation and with interaction between preparation, restoration and gingiva aid in gingival thickening and adaptation to new prosthetic cementoenamel junction (CEJ) achieving soft tissue stability over long term.

Keywords: Vertical preparation technique, Prosthetic CEJ, BOPT, Interim restoration, CAD CAM, Gingitage, feather edge finish line

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