Intriguing case of foreign body in uterine cavity

Authors : Senthilkumaran D , Valli Priyaa P, Banushree C Srinivasamurthy, Ramachandra V Bhat

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2023.019

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 89-92

Objective: To present a rare case of endometrial cavity osseous material with an unusual finding of extramedullary hematopoiesis and a brief review of literature.
Case Report: A 44-year-old female P1L1 with complaints of excessive bleeding per vaginum for 12 months. Pelvic examination showed approximately 16 weeks sized uterus. Radiologists found calcific material (?foreign body) in the anterior fundal wall of uterus. Total hysterectomy was done and sent to us for histopathological examination. On sectioning uterus, a bony spicule was seen freely lying within the cavity. Histopathology confirmed the bony nature of the foreign material which also showed hematopoietic component. Due to the associated finding of endometritis, there was high suspicion of retained fetal products in this case.
Conclusion: Recognition of osseous material within the endometrial cavity as a benign entity is important to avoid misdiagnosis as Carcinosarcoma microscopically, however complete clinicopathological correlation ensures correct diagnosis and to rule out retained products of conception, tuberculosis, and hematologic disease. Diagnosis and prompt treatment of foreign body within uterine cavity may be necessary to avoid complications like infertility and abnormal bleeding.

Keywords: Osseous metaplasia, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Retained fetal products, Extramedullary hematopoiesis.

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