Addressing anesthesia medication errors for improved quality care

Authors : Shrey Goel, Shrey Goel, Shramana Banerjee, Shramana Banerjee, Abhishek Harakbhavi Nagaraj, Abhishek Harakbhavi Nagaraj, Safdhar Hasmi Raveendran, Safdhar Hasmi Raveendran, Aarati Thakur, Aarati Thakur, Akshaya Narayan Shetti, Akshaya Narayan Shetti

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2023.006

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 20-23

Medication errors in anesthesia can have serious consequences for patients, including morbidity and mortality. These errors can occur at any stage of the medication administration process, from prescribing and preparation to administration and monitoring. Learning from medication errors is essential to improving patient safety in anesthesia. To address medication errors in anesthesia, various strategies have been developed, including the use of checklists, protocols, and simulation training. The implementation of technology, such as barcode scanning and automated dispensing systems, has also been effective in reducing medication errors. Learning from medication errors involves identifying the root causes of the error, analyzing the factors that contributed to the error, and implementing strategies to prevent similar errors from occurring in the future. A culture of safety that encourages reporting and analysis of errors is crucial for learning from medication errors. Improving patient safety in anesthesia requires a collaborative effort among healthcare professionals, including anesthesiologists, nurses, and pharmacists, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement through learning from errors.

Keywords: Anesthesia, Checklist, Medication errors, Nurses, Patient safety, Simulation training

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