Case report of a huge Gartner’s cyst

Authors : N R Indu, Hiremath P. B , M Reshmi, M Sree Supriya, Reshma Hiremath

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2023.014

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 67-69

Gartner’s cyst accounts for 11% of all vaginal cysts. It results from total or partial occlusion of Gartner’s duct, the mesonephric duct remainder. It is often located in the anterior or lateral wall of the vagina from the cervix to the introitus, however it has exceptionally been described in the posterior location also.It is typically small and asymptomatic and occurs along the lateral walls of the vagina, following the course of the Gartner’s duct. Rarely it can be congenital., , ,
Keywords : Gartner’s cyst, Mesonephric duct.

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