Obesity, obesity related hypertension, their association with adipocytokines among 12-16 years school students

Authors : Moneka Sai T., K. Sameera

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6377.2018.0009

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 41-45

Obesity, obesity related hypertension is increasing at higher rates among adolescents these days. An increase in leptin level and a decrease in adiponectin level were observed in obese individuals with hypertension. Our study aimed to know the association of obesity with hypertension and the levels of adipocytokines. The study was carried out among school children aged 12-16years, 60 students (30 cases & 30 controls). Anthropometric data, Blood pressure (BP) were measured. 30 Students with increased waist circumference to height ratio and elevated BP were selected. Biochemical parameters were investigated in these students and compared with age & gender matched controls. A significant relationship was observed between obesity and waist circumference to height ratio (p<0.0002). SBP showed more significance than DBP with obesity. Extremely significant relationship was found in serum leptin (p<0.0001), serum adiponectin (p<0.0001), lipid profiles. Our study observed a relation between obesity, hypertension & levels of adipocytokines among adolescents.  Further studies in more number of people, in both the genders and programmes for increasing awareness among obese children helps to prevent future morbidity and mortality.

Keywords: Adiponectin, Adolescents, Hypertension, Leptin, Obesity, Waist Circumference to Height Ratio.

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