Estimation of serum Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) level in sickle cell disease (SCD) and its association with reticulocyte count in a rural population of Chhattisgarh state

Authors : Mahendra Gandhe, Harshal Kawanpure, A. P. Dongre, Swapnali Gandhe

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6377.2018.0017

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 85-90

Prevalence of Sicklecell disease (SCD) is ranging from 1 to 40% and more in state like Chhattisgarh because of more share of Tribal population by this state in India. Genetic mutation at a sixth position of the β-globin chain (replacement of glutamic acid by valine) is the biochemical basis of this abnormality. Tissue specific increase of adenosine deaminase is related with lysis of RBC membrane in sickle cell disease. To know the pathology and biochemical basis of increase in serum adenosine deaminase in SCD is ardent. Prospective case-control study is conducted by taking thirty SCD cases [from Durg District of Chhattisgarh State] attending General Medicine OPD in our Medical College. Thirty age and sex matched healthy volunteers were selected as controls from same population. ADA estimation done by enzymatic-kinetic method. Complete hemogram done by Beckman Coulter and retiuculocyte count done by direct microscopic examination. Adenosine deaminase level in SCD was higher as compare to control group and difference is statistically highly significant i.e. p value 0.00 (<0.01). Comparing to controls, Reticulocyte count was significantly less in SCD i.e. p value 0.049 (<0.05). SCD cases were having significantly increased ADA level as compared to healthy volunteers. ADA was not any having correlation with reticulocyte count. Estimation of Adenosine Deaminase level can be helpful for knowing pathophysiology of complications occurring in sickle cell disease patients.

Keywords: Adenosinedeaminase, Reticulocyte count.

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