Clinical study on task specific dystonia among beedi workers

Authors : S. Alagesan, Gratia Thomas

DOI : 10.18231/.2018.0010

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 39-40

Task specific dystonia is a form of isolated focal dystonia with a peculiarity of being displayed only during performance of specific skilled motor task. This distinctive makes task specific dystonia a particularly mysterious and fascinating neurological condition.
Beedi is a traditional method of smoking tobacco otherwise called as Indian cigarette. It is a thin cigarette or mini cigar filled with Tobacco flakes and commonly wrapped in tendu leaves. Beedi manufacturing is a traditional agro-forest based industry in India, highly labour intensing and predominantly unorganized beedi industry is one of the largest employers of workers in India after Agriculture, handloom and construction. The government estimates about the millions workers in the rolling Industry.
In this clinical study we are describing few types of task specific gystonia among the beedi workers.

Keywords: Task specific hand dystonia, Professional beedi workers.

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