Perinatal outcome in meconium stained liquor in labour

Authors : Divya .N V, G N Vasantha Lakshmi

DOI : 10.18231/2455-6793.2018.0009

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 41-46

Meconium staining of amniotic fluid during labor has been implicated as a factor influencing fetal wellbeing during intrapartum and post partum period.
Aim: To evaluate the perinatal outcome in terms fetal outcome, mode of delivery in patients with meconium stained liquor during labor.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective and prospective observational study under taken at Sri Rama Chandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. The study period was from 2014-2016 constituting 250 patients.
Results: out of 250 patients 25.2 % of them had abnormal CTG, which was significantly associated with mode of delivery and neonatal outcome where increased incidence of cesarean section and neonatal mortality and morbidity.
The major causes of neonatal morbidity in our study were 20.8% -jaundice, 7.6% asphixia, 5 % meconium aspiration,1.6% sepsis,.8% pneumonia,.4% hypoxic encephalopathy and there was one neonatal death due to meconium aspiration syndrome.
Conclusion: when meconium stained liquor is associated with abnormal fetal heart rate pattern, it should be taken as potential danger sign for the fetus and early intervention is required.
Neonates with meconium aspiration syndrome and birth asphyxia are to be closely monitored and vigorously treated in NICU.

Keywords: Meconium stained liquor, Birth asphxia, Meconium aspiration syndrome.


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