Vertical control in fixed orthodontics- A review

Authors : Yumna Qamar, Mohd. Tariq, Sanjeev Kumar Verma, Jiju Mohan, Ali Amir

DOI : 10.18231/2455-6785.2018.0003

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 9-12

Control of vertical dimension is recognised as an important as well as often difficult part of orthodontic treatment. Ineffective vertical control cause downward and backward rotation of mandible, prolonged treatment times, and compromised treatment results. Vertical control is often difficult, as most methods used to exert vertical control are highly patient-dependent. Controlling vertical dentoalveolar development is often difficult, because most orthodontic mechanotherapy tends to produce vertical movement of teeth. Vertical movement of teeth are least resisted therefore immediate effect is seen. Vertical control is difficult also because most methods depends on patient compliance. 

Keywords: Vertical control, Hyperdivergent.

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