A computerized content analysis of communication styles of chairperson of public and private banks in India

Authors : Archana Singh, KP Kanchana

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2770.2018.0004

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 15-21

When we talk of Leadership and the effective communication of leaders, it is imperative for any organization. Leaders have manifold tasks in the organization as leadership is integrated with different levels like individual level, unit level and organizational levels. The purpose of this study is to examine, what is the effect of leadership communication in the organization. The purpose is also to find out to what extent the particular leadership behavior can impact the performance of public and private banks in India. The taken variables are based on the analysis of individuals, innovative role modeling recognition and monitoring and support for innovation.
Past researches have proven that in an endeavor to achieve the desired level of result and competence, it is that public sectors officials hunt for more effectual approaches of leadership, and challenge themselves to go for the prevailing models of the private sector organization. In the current study, we have investigated chairperson’s messages to stakeholders through content analysis making use of DICTION software.

Keywords: Effective communication, Private bank, Public bank, Content analysis, Diction.

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