Patriarchy & unwed mother of Odisha

Authors : Sunita Behera, Urmimala Das

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2770.2018.0015

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 89-99

This article starts with the presumption that women experience gender in different ways. For example, Black women experience various forms of oppression simultaneously, as a complex interaction of race, gender, and class that is more than the sum of its parts. By focusing on gender as the primary locus of oppression, main-stream feminist legal thought often forces women of colour to fragment their experience in a way that does not reflect the reality of their lives .The recognition of women's differences, however, does not negate the fundamental premise of feminism that women are oppressed "as women ."'It is still, therefore, useful to make patriarchy a focus of feminist inquiry and opposition. How, then, do we understand our condition as women and work towards our liberation? Recent feminist scholarship has established that racism makes women different, even though women are all subject to patriarchy. What I wish to examine is the relationship between racism and patriarchy.
 Racism and patriarchy are not two separate institutions that intersect only in the lives of Black women. They are two interrelated, mutually supporting systems of domination and their relationship is essential to understanding the subordination of all women. Racism makes the experience of sexism different for Black women and white women. But it is not enough to note that Black women suffer from both racism and sexism, although this is true. Racism is patriarchal. Patriarchy is racist. We will not destroy one institution without destroying the other. I believe it is the recognition of that connection along with the recognition of difference among women that is truly revolutionary.1

Keyword: Feminism, Family issues, Social relationship, Education and case studies of unmarried mother.

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